Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family photography - Breakfast in dunes

The forecast for today was very promising and we decided to go to our favorite beach on Fire Island for a breakfast instead of having lazy Sun morning at home.

It's being our most visited place since we got into the country. It's still half way open due to non-season and reconstruction of the beach. But that's what we like at this time of year - no people :)
We definitely had a great time, relaxing on the beach and walking walkways through dunes at Robert Moses State Park.
 Besides here I can give a tip for those who often goes to NY state parks - they have an Empire Passport which runs at $65 for a whole year. So it's really worth it if you do more than 8 visits a year. We are buying it each year.
And we love Fire Island lighthouse very much - it's just great. So much history is behind it and lovely people work there. You must see it yourself. Also they finished tower's renovation and it's fully open for visits now.
One more point - due to my current health conditions I couldn't carry my regular camera equipment with me so all these pictures were shot using my son's point-and-shoot - Canon PowerShot SX120. I'd say it works great for family album ;)


jackie weisberg said...

Great to see how much you're enjoying New York State, as well as the rest of the country. I love the photos of your son, particularly the triptych.
Very nice indeed!

Alex Kotlik photography said...

Thank you Jackie